Looking through the window tiktok
Looking through the window tiktok

looking through the window tiktok

“I see our society becoming increasingly visual,” she says, “so I've been trying to work withsome of my colleagues to remind them that research sources don't have to just be text-based. Reader's Advisory 101 #colorchallenge #librarianlife #tiktoklibrary #booktok ♬ Colors - Stella JangĮven if students were using TikTok or YouTube for their assignments, Wilt says that would be fine. Wilt speculates it’s personal learning pursuits, not those related to school, that have them turning to TikTok. She says that the junior and senior advanced composition students she’s met with this year told her Google is their go-to resource for academic work.

looking through the window tiktok

The educators we asked responded with a resounding-nope.Įmily Wilt, a high school library media specialist in Indiana who runs her library’s TikTok account, meets with upperclassmen at the start of each school year to talk about research best practices. With the video app that launched a thousand dance crazes elbowing in on Google’s turf among young internet users, is any of that transformation bleeding over into students’ academic searches? Are they turning to TikTok for school research papers, for instance? That makes it second only to YouTube in social media popularity. A top Google leader said during Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference this summer that nearly 40 percent of young people-ages 18 to 24-are turning to visual-based social media platforms like TikTok or Instagram for their internet searches.Ībout two-thirds of teens say they have used TikTok with 16 percent of those saying they use it almost constantly, according to a recent Pew study of 13- to 17-year-olds. Last fall, TikTok surpassed Google as the most-visited site on the web. Translated, it means that the video-based social media platform is biting into the search engine’s popularity. TikTok is coming for Google’s gig, as the kids might say.

Looking through the window tiktok